Monday, June 28, 2010

Who said that it was going to be easy? Seriously I want to know...

if you have a minute think about this with me. I was hit with a harsh reality a few weeks ago. I was caught in the notion that:

hard = wrong
easy = right

My wonderful wife to be pointed out how ridiculous this is. Why do we, or maybe just me, bring to question the purpose of something as soon as it becomes a challenge? I would even be so bold to say that Christians might be the worst at doing this. If you disagree leave me a comment and I'll gladly debate with you. I say this because I think that somewhere in the evolution of Christianity we, pathetic humans, decided that God makes our lives easy. This is far from the truth. Who said that following God is a walk in the park. In fact the bible is full of warnings of the opposite. So why are we so quick to get angry at God when things get tough? And even go as far as to think, "This must not be God's purpose for me because it is to difficult." He warned us that it was going to be this way. Why should Christians be so rich as to not suffer? We are called to a life of hardship and suffering, but we have the most glorious reward waiting for us; eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. So the next time you start to bring to question if something is actually God's plan because it is challenging I have one suggestion. STOP!!! And rejoice in your suffering because God is with you.

peace + love = jesus

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ry!!! This was such a great post!! Thanks for that reminder :)
