Monday, July 19, 2010

The million dollar question...

I'm going to take a minute and share with you what is coming up in my blog. I am going to take the next few weeks and study a question that I have been pondering for a while, and am struggling with in my own life. The question being, "how do you understand what God's purpose is for your life?" I am sure that many many many of us have asked this question more than once in our lives! And with all the different opinions on the answer to this question I want construct a concrete answer instead of a opinion based on feelings and thoughts. I am going to take a very biblical approach to this question. If any of you reading this have a more specific question within the topic of "God's purpose" leave a comment (either on facebook or the blog) and I'll do my best to answer them inside of my own answer. Please don't be shy to toss a question out there. I want to hear what everyone else is thinking and asking, and I hope that maybe we can end some confusion together. This shall be an adventure...

peace + love = jesus

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